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Installation Frustration
19 April 2011, 9:57
Hi All,
Please note that before posting this, I have read the Installation instructions, Troubleshooting section, and this forum, and spent many hours trying different things like ensuring that the data directory hass the necessart rights.
I am interested in setting up e-portfolios for our students at Fleming College in Peterborough, Ontario
I am trying to install a sandbox version on a shared hosting site. I already use this site to run successfully, Moodle, Word Press, Wikimedia, and Joomla. The install failed so I subscribed to a brand new Siteground service where I only plan to run Mahara ( no other databases or software).
When I run the Web-Based installer I get the correct install screen. Screen shot 1
Then it appears to run an upgrade screen then stalls (hangs) there. Screen shots 2, 3
I do not get to the point where I get to the admin screen
I did notice that the database becames populated with a whole bunch of tables.(Screen shot 4). Is it s normal process for the upgrade to run?
Please see screen shots. Any help would be appreciated as I am pulling out my hair and really want to try Mahara.
I have tried dropping the database and setting it up again but this does not help.
I noticed a section in the troubleshooting guide that suggests I change php.ini but I do not have this file ( searched thoroughly)
Q: My installation hangs and never finishes
A: Your installation is probably exceeding PHP's max_execution_time limit. To fix open your php.ini file and change the following line:
max_execution_time = 30
max_execution_time = 120
then restart your Apache server. You can reset this variable once installation is complete if you wish.
Any help wouls be really appreciated.
19 April 2011, 17:58
Hi Glenn,
You won't be able to edit the php.ini file on a shared host. If you're unlucky they might not even let you change the max execution time at all. You could try it by editing htdocs/admin/upgrade.php - put a line like this:
somewhere near the top, after all the 'require...' lines. Then wipe your database and try the installation again, and see if it helps. The default is usually 30 seconds I think, so 300 should be enough, but your host might have php configured to ignore it.
20 April 2011, 5:22
Interesting that it complains about "CREATE TABLE config" failure (which means that table has not been created), but then in phpMyAdmin you can see that config table exists.
Are you sure that you re-created the database prior to install and it is absolutely empty?
20 April 2011, 9:52
Yes , it is interesting.
I definately deleted the database before I tried again (in fact I tried it several times)
I'm not sure what the install is trying to do. It seems to set up tables in the database, then tries to update them .... this is where it seems to hang ( the same spot every time) with the create table....and as you see the table is already there from my screen shot.
Is this how the install is supposed to work .... set up tables then do an update on those tables?
20 April 2011, 18:34
It's probably just timing out halfway through creating all the tables.
When you refresh the page you get the create table error immediately because it's trying to create the config table a second time, but can't because it already exists from the first timed-out installation attempt.
21 April 2011, 8:25
Ok that helps me understand the process. I have had no problems intalling other apps like Moodle and Joomla.
I'm wondering if there is any way to maybe to do a XAMP install, then zip the files and unpack on my host then and change the local settings?
Any advice?
20 April 2011, 9:45
Thanks .... I tired your suggestion and it still did not work. It seems to hang at the same place making me wonder if it is a timeout issue.
Any other suggestions?
20 April 2011, 12:12
Hello Glenn,
no expert here but I found a couple links specifically related to your hoster and Mahara:
21 April 2011, 8:27
Thanks Dirk,
I checked these out and they do not seem to relate to the current problem but I apprpeciat the tips. Actuallly, at one point I did encounter one of the issues but was able to get past it by making a change to the .htaccess file.
26 April 2011, 11:36
this may sound stupid but did you check to see if you have enough space on the server?